Friday, August 8, 2008

Clinique Quick Corrector Concealer

Didn’t get enough beauty rest? Pulled an all-nighter? No longer 20, when all nighters didn’t seem to affect us or our skin as much? Bags under your eyes look like they’re ready to travel to Europe for three months?

Let Clinique Quick Corrector come to the rescue! A dab under your eyes and blended around the eye lids will do wonders. This concealer is a must-use product for after my own wild and crazy (usually sporadic) late nights. The one day I didn’t use it before heading into the office after catching a red eye in from the West Coast? Four different people asked me if I was feeling okay and commented on how exhausted I looked.

Case officially rested.

Average Price: $14.00
Rating: 3 out of 5

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