Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Film Talk: The Departed

Since we're on a bit of a Leonardo DiCaprio kick here at The Pink Mixer, today seems the perfect time to mention The Departed, a 2007 Academy Award winner of best picture, best director, best adapted screenplay and best achivement in editing.

Set in Boston (a city we just happen to call home ourselves) full of plot twists and turns and both good guys and bad guys undercover in the Irish Mob and the Boston Police Force, this film is a tour-de-force.

It's the film that got Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Sheen, Matt Damon, and Mark Walhberg on the screen together as well as the one that finally got Martin Scorsese his well deserved best directing Oscar.
Bostonians always love a good thriller and even us romantics at The Pink Mixer throughly enjoyed this crime drama. Of course, it probably doesn't hurt that the movie was filmed literally in the backyard of our old office workplace. Who doesn't like a quick brush with stardom - Irish Mob tie-ins or not?

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