The ying: They make some of the best t-shirts going. You know that cute concert tee you bought last summer that’s so soft and comfy? I wager a guess it’s an American Apparel tee. Remember that time you borrowed your boyfriend’s hoodie and “forgot” to give it back to him? It’s probably made by American Apparel. Know that tank top that fits just right no matter how many times it’s seen the Laundromat? Also, I’d be willing to bet, an American Apparel item.
They’ve got a good thing going when it comes to solid, basic, standard, go-to garments. If you can squeeze past the hipsters with their skinny jeans and oversized sunglasses, you’ll notice that their stores don’t push a lot of flashy, trendy items but stick to the basics – with a flash of neon 1980s fashion thrown in for fun. Provided you comb through the racks with a layering eye in mind you can find some pretty awesome staples for your wardrobe.
The yang, in our humble opinion is two-fold. They can be a tad overpriced. ($40 for a hoodie?) This is justifiable, however, knowing most of what you buy will last for ages and wasn’t produced in some far-off land by young children forced to work in sweatshop conditions.
Our biggest issue, the thorn in our side so to speak. is with their return policy. To be blunt, it sucks. There are no refunds, no money back, ever. You get store credit instead, always, no matter the situation. Of course, this isn’t the end of the world, right? After all, one will always find a need for a cozy hoodie. Still, I can’t help but be a bit miffed by a company who won’t give me back my $35 a mere 3 days after I made a fly by the seat of my pants purchase, one I later changed my mind about. In fact, if I had to rewrite their return policy it would just state: go on, take the money and run.
Average Price: Varies by item
Rating: 3 out of 5
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