Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tweezerman Tweezers

We have read before that, among other things, every girl needs:
1.) a black lace bra
2.) something perfect to wear if the man or employer of her dreams wants to see her in an hour
3.) a cordless power drill

We’d like to add to the list and say, we firmly believe every girl needs a really good pair of tweezers. After many false starts and money tossed down the “let’s give this brand a whirl” endless pit, we believe we have discovered the crème de la crème of the plucking and tweezing stray unwanted hair world.

Tweezerman tweezers - try to say that ten times fast - are not cheap. In fact, you’re liable to balk at the price tag and mutter “$25 for tweezers?!” the first time you spot them in your local drugstore (or was that just us?) We’ll give you a minute to get over the sticker price.



Sure, you can buy tweezers for a lot less. The thing is though, those cheap tweezers? They don’t work. They don’t last.

Tweezerman, however, offers the best guarantee around when it comes to all things tweeze related. Check it out: We sharpen our implements which have become dull through normal use FREE for as long as the implement can be resharpened. No shipping and handling. No processing fees. If the implement is damaged, we will repair it for $5 or at your option, we will replace it with a new one for half its current suggested price. An invoice will be sent back to you with the repaired implement.

How many cheap-o brand of tweezers do you know that promise something like this? Worth its weight in stray-hair free, plucking champion, gold.

Average Price: $25 per pair
Rating: 4 out of 5

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