Monday, July 27, 2009

Decorative Globe

So Dooce had to go and mention that she collects globes the other day, which, wrong or not, we’ll admit killed a little part of our decorating soul. Believe us when we tell you that we were pooling our vintage globe collection long before she was, and we have the receipts from various thrift and antique stores to prove it.

Now granted, this particular
globe from Target is not an antique and yes, yes, we realize it is mass produced in another country (India, if you’re curious). Call us a sucker for a Tar-jay product, but we couldn’t help but fall in love with it’s vintage coloring and perfect small size even if that’s all just part of the tricky everything old is new again decorating mentality.

It was simply the perfect globe to blend in with the other real truly vintage globes we own. Besides, since when have we passed up a design opportunity when it is staring us right in the face?

Average Price: $24.99
Rating: 5 out of 5

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