Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dud of the Month: Crocs

'Tis been a while since we focused on any duds here at The Pink Mixer. To make up for this oversight, we thought we'd really pack a punch and discuss what we personally feel might be one of the biggest fashion duds of all time, a style statement summed up in one little word: Crocs.

These shoes tend to divide people into two camps: the lovers and the haters.

We best not beat around the bush. Apologies to those offended, but we fall on the hater side when it comes to these shoes. Clarification: we hate these shoes when they're not worn as originally intended - mucking about the garden, in the yard, or around the house. We hate seeing them displayed in every store window about town, we loathe seeing men and women alike strolling through urban streets with these adorning their feet. (And don't get us started on those little do-dad charms that can be affixed to the tops of the shoes.)

To be fair, the Crocs brand does make a cute looking ballet flat called the Prima which is a shoe that doesn't make us cover our eyes and cringe. But these clogs? Well, we'll leave it at this. They should not be worn, with the following exceptions:

1.) You are under the age of 13. If you're a kid (especially a toddler) these look cute - even the crazy colored crocs are okay. Extra points awarded if the child is under the age of being able to tie their own shoes. We understand the value of hassle-free.

2.) You're over the age of 65. If you're retired, you're allowed to wear anything you darn well please. We'll forgive you.

3.) You are working in a garden, digging up dirt, cutting the grass, pruning shrubbery, or performing any other sort of yard-work, house maintance type activity. That's why these shoes were invented, after all.

4.) You slip them on when heading to a boat, a lake house, the beach, the mailbox. You then slip them off the moment you arrive at given outdoorsy location.

In summary, we'd just like to say, Crocs: not for the fashion-forward mavens, nor for the downtown pounding the urban pavement workday. Plus, there's a reason flip-flops were invented.

Average Price: $18.00/pair
Rating: 2 out of 5


Catherine said...

as soon as i saw the pic accompanying this post i cracked the heck up! too funny! i whole-heartedly agree with everything you said!

Unknown said...

Agreed. Cute for little kids who can't tie their shoes...although delays the learning process just like velcro closures. Nice for garden and beach. I bought a pair at the urging of our Colorado family members. Comfortable but HOT...and you know how I feel about being HOT!! I think I'll put them in garage with my garden shoes when I get home...good for yard work and washing the car.

Either you love em or hate em. I agree with your review. If Crocs folds, what new item can be on the horizon?? The Crocs creator is probably laughing all the way to the bank. Hopefully he/she banked some of the profits before the decline began.