Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bubble Umbrella

Let’s be honest. Singing – or walking - in the rain isn’t all Gene Kelly made it out to be. Unless you’re the lucky owner of a Bubble Umbrella.

The bubble umbrella invention is pretty genius. The umbrella – or bumper shoot as our friends across the Atlantic like to call it – is built to act as, well, a bubble around you. It hangs lower than most umbrellas (ella, ella, ella) and almost wraps around your head and shoulders to keep you dry – especially when that pesky wind starts up mid-storm. Of course, since the brolley is clear, you can see through it and navigate – or sing – your way right through whatever storm is headed your way.

Average Price: $ 20.00
Rating: 5 out of 5!

1 comment:

The Brother said...

Kelli. While I admire its simplicity of design and practicality, have you ever pictured yourself using this? I mean actually, hunkered down inside an umbrella, scurrying to work? I just feel like there should be a little windshield wiper on the outside or something.