Thursday, January 19, 2012

LL Bean Wicked Good Moccasins

We've long coveted these LL Bean Wicked Good Moccasins, mostly because we strongly believe in the following: toasty warm feet = a happy girl. For several seasons we looked near the end of winter, hoping to find them on sale, only to find they were always sold out of our specific size and the particular color we wanted. Luckily, this year, Santa took a good hard look at our wish list and knew these slippers were just the thing.

We promise your feet will sing a happy tune the minute you slip into these shearling lined wonders and put a layer - rubber sole and all - between your feet and those chilly hard wood floors. We often wear socks along with these slippers, though they're probably plenty warm on their own, because we like keeping the top of our feet and ankles warm as well. But you can decide that for yourself once you snag your own pair. Wicked Good indeed.
Average price: $59.00 (+ free shipping if you order online!)
Rating: 5 out of 5!

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