Friday, January 16, 2009

Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Cleansing Pads

The truth is I bought these Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Cleansing Pads in anticipation of the nights when I’m too exhausted or too, ahem, silly on the red wine (wink, wink, nod, nod) to deal with the complicated process of wiping away my eye make-up with a cotton ball and then washing my face with a cleanser.

The pads are a breeze – quick to use and saturated with the lovely smelling Aveeno cleansers. One side of the pad is smooth (they tell me this is the side that helps remove all the makeup, dirt, and daily grit from our face) and the other textured for exfoliating purposes.

My inner environmentalist is a tad concerned about the discarded pads ending up in a landfill for forever and ever so I still use them sparingly. Which, I guess in turn, means I’m not out hitting the bars too hard, doesn’t it?

Average Price: $7.00

Rating: 3 out of 5


Darci White said...

Hi there-

Do you have any recommendations for a concealer that covers acne well and doesn't cause you to break out even more?

Thought I'd check here as I've googled it to death and just come up with a 100 different "best" concealers.


Anonymous said...

I like using these too. I cut them all in 1/2 b/c they are so big. That way, I get twice as much and I feel a little bit better about it :) I learned that from my Mom.