Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Neutrogena's Clear Pore Soothing Gel Astringent

Know that moment when you can just tell a zit or blackhead or some sort of not-cool acne is going to sprout up on your face? One minute all is well and blemish free and then the next minute? Something becomes amiss under your pores. It’s like you can just feel that bastard coming and you know it’s only a matter of a day or so until you have an unsightly blemish to contend with.

One of life’s annoyances, that.

My go-to during those initial, instant, do or die response moments, is Neutrogena’s Clear Pore Soothing Gel Astringent. The Neutrogena website claims that it’s the first maximum strength cooling gel that treats and prevents breakouts while soothing irritated skin.

A good thing. Me? I just like it because it gets down and dirty with those pores that are acting up – and fast.

Average Price: $8.99

Rating: 4 out of 5

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