Needless to say, on those nights when we don’t head directly home, we can get a tad hungry. And if you’ve ever been around us when our blood sugar is plummeting and we’re getting ravenous? Well, you know it’s not a pretty sight.
Enter our snacking on the go savior, LaraBars.
This is the energy bar that sustains us, keeps us moving happily through our busy lives, all while actually tasting good. Each flavor (we like cinnamon roll the best) is made from 100% whole food and each bar contains no more than six ingredients.
Pure, simple, and the perfect tide-you-over snack until you do finally make it home in time for dinner.
Average Price: $2.00/bar
Rating: 4 out of 5
(I mean, have you tasted some of the other energy bars? Ugh!)
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