Monday, June 1, 2009


Sometimes we like to live life on the edge in wild and irresponsible ways like, say, not having an external hard drive to back up your computers information. Living dangerously is all well and good until the unthinkable happens and you loose every last – close to 5,000! - song from your ITunes Music Library in one quick, unbelievable fell swoop.

We stressed, we panicked, we cursed the ITunes updating Gods and then we ran to the nearest Apple Genius Bar. When the geniuses we unable to fix the issue we panicked even more, until they recommended - off the record and extremely hush hush - that we give the program
Senuti a try.

Senuti (that’s ITunes backwards, gang) works like a computer to iPod set-up except in reverse, allowing you to move music from your iPod onto your computer. Senuti gives you a 30 day/1,000 songs free trial or for the bargain price of $18 you can download the program and (deep, relieved breath) retrieve all of those amazing, wonderful songs you’d been without.

Senuti was our parachute as we tumbled into a music-less abyss. Thankfully we’ve learned our lesson. Our days of living recklessly are numbered. The first thing on this week’s shopping list? An external hard-drive, of course.

Average Price: 30 day/1,000 song - FREE!
Beyond that, $18 to download
Rating: 5 out of 5!

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